Friday, July 2, 2010

Home Made Maraschino Cherries

I am tired of ingesting sappy sweet maraschino cherries loaded with red dye #3. I want some *real cherries* for my manhattans and Mai Tais! And so, I made Home Made Maraschino Cherries. Now, there are two ways to make them (that I know of) and one of them requires sourcing something I have not been able to find on the big island of Hawaii; Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur I am sure that someday I will find a bottle (hint hint to my friends on the mainland) and then I will make a batch of those cherries. Meanwhile, I have never tasted a spiked cherry, so why not just make them the old fashioned way? Basically this involves taking fresh cherries at their peak, creating a syrup adding some spices and flavors that will compliment the cherries, then simmering the cherries lightly in the syrup without really cooking them completely. This enables the flavors of the syrup to penetrate the cherries and still retains the texture of a fresh cherry. 

This recipe is simple and can be completed in the space of an hour. I am sure that when the cherries have been soaking in the syrup even longer, they will be even tastier. I did not pit the cherries and I left the stems in tact. You will need a large jar or container to store the cherries in. They do need to be refrigerated. The alternative of course is to process the cherries, but then they would lose so much of their fresh taste and texture. 
Which would you rather have? 

These cherries are not just good... they are DAMN GOOD! Try it, really, it is so worth it! 

Home Made Maraschino Cherries

2 cups pomegranate juice (use 100 percent juice)
1 cup sugar
3 1/2 ounces fresh lemon juice (from approximately 3 lemons)
Pinch of salt
3 whole pieces star anise
8 whole cloves
1 pound sweet cherries 
1 teaspoon almond extract
In a nonreactive saucepan, add juice, sugar, lemon juice, salt, cloves and star anise. Place over medium-high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer the mixture until the sugar has dissolved.
Add the cherries and almond extract. Simmer on low heat for 10 minutes or until the cherries have exuded some of their juice and the syrup has taken on a distinctly cherry flavor. Be careful not to overcook. The point is not to actually cook the cherries, but to heat them in the syrup just long enough to bring out their essence.
Remove the pan from the heat, transfer the cherries and the syrup to a bowl a container with a tight-fitting lid, cover tightly, and refrigerate. The longer the cherries steep, the more flavorful they will become.

Ultimate Manhattan

I had my first Manhattan at the bar of Tavern on the Green on my first trip to New York in 1997. I 've loved them ever since. I have returned to Manhattan several times since then, both in my heart and in person, I always order Manhattans when I am there.  It's a sophisticated, strong and simple cocktail, and the ultimate showcase for as many maraschino cherries as you care to pack into your glass. The proportions are 2:1 
Makes 1 drink
3 ounces whiskey or rye
11/2 ounces sweet vermouth
2-3 dashes Angostura bitters
Maraschino cherries, for garnish
In a double old fashioned glass, add the whiskey, vermouth and bitters, stir. Garnish with maraschino cherries and serve on the rocks. The drink can also be served straight up by using a cocktail shaker and straining into a martini glass. 
So, after an afternoon photo shoot, I am left with a nicely iced Manhattan at 3:00 in the afternoon.  Oh well, it is 9 pm in Manhattan right now. I may as well be there in my mind. Salute!


  1. Sounds great Devany. I wonder if you could do the same thing with mango or even coffee cherries. I might be fun to try.

    Oh, and of course the Manhattan sounds great right about now...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am not sure about coffee cherries, are they naturally sweet? For some reason I thought they were bitter. As far as the mango goes, it would be like a chutney... and that of course is a great idea...both would go great over vanilla ice cream.

  4. these cherries are the bomb and the drink looks oh so delicious!

  5. What a great idea to make your own without all of those strange dyes and nasty preservatives of the store-bought ones. The color is gorgeous on these. A perfect addition to anything from a banana split to a Shirley Temple. ;)

  6. This is fantastic, I will defiantly be trying this. Love your site...found you through a mutual friend David Buchanan

  7. A good manhattan is a very fine thing, and I am so with you on maraschino cherries. Yours are another story altogether. Absolutely edible.

  8. Oh my gosh, you have me salivating like mad here. I am NUTS about sweet black cherries, in any form. Wow!

  9. Devany--My little nephew will thank you forever when I make these! He has a cherry tree in his yard.......


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