drove down the road the other day to visit Akaka Falls. It is about 10 minutes from our house and nestled in a spectacular gorge. We tried to time the trip so that the cruise ship passengers were already gone, so we went late in the afternoon. However, it is said that it is even more spectacular when you go early in the day, so we will make a return trip to check that out. The circle trail was closed for construction, so we took the shorter easier trail to get there. Still, there are hundreds of steps to go up and down as you make your way to the viewing area. The entire trail was paved, wandering over streams and beautiful vegetation and most of it had hand rails, but I do have some friends that might find it too physically challenging. The view was spectacular. The water falls over 420' into a huge pool. Coming and going to the falls you drive through the little plantation town Honomu. There are about 2 blocks of commercial
buildings, a few shops, a cafe and a very old theater. It is easy to imagine what this little town was like back in the Sugar Days of Hawaii, as not much has really changed there in those many years. 

Akaka Falls is known for a lot of car break-ins.
Not safe at night either.
Be careful when hitting up many of these touristy spots that you will want to visit.
Economy sucks right now and people have been known to break into cars for little things such as pair of shoes in the back seat of a car.
Have fun and remember you only live once.
Everyone is bound to have something bad happen to them at least once while living here.
I've had my share.
Hey Damon,
There was a guard there when we were there as well as a basket maker and a musician, felt very safe to me. I don't know why anyone would go there at night. We had been "tourists' on the island many times, but this is one spot we never visited till now and thought we should at least see it.
Sorry to hear you have had your share of bad things, guess that means it is all up from here eh?
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